According to the project requirements in the three partner universities the working groups have been established in the second year of the project.
Each working group is comprised of the Project Coordinator, Management of the institutions (Vice-Rector for Budget and Finance where applicable), General Secretary (where applicable), Head of Budget and Finance Department and Head of IT-Department, who actively participated in most of the study visits, trainings and workshops as well as in the development of White Paper. According to the needs of the activities organized so far, there was additional staff engaged: professors, IT officers, finance officers, teaching assistants.
The Working Group should organize 5 internal workshops (choose at least 3 topics out of 5) and work on the development and adoption of the plan for technical modernization of financial management and controlling systems. More information on the organized workshops can be found under the project web. For the organized workshops the following documents should be send to the project partners: Signed list of participants, minutes and evaluation sheets.
The workshops should be an integral part of the Action Plan. Besides, the action plans should include different important activities related to the processes of finances, as well the changes, which are planned to be introduced, related to the financial management processes in the given period. Outcome/Lesson Learned of the 5 Training workshops should be taken into account while developing the action plan. The Action plans will be subject of the feedback by all project partners.
The action plan should be revised every 4 months (if needed in cooperation with the MEST), by taking into account the institutional changes, as well as the latest developments at national level (by taking into account the inputs from the White Paper and the new HE Law which is in the amendment procedure). The meetings with regard to the White Paper development are coordinated separately and each university will receive information, as up to now. Thus, the Action plans provided represent the first version of the documents. While the updated version, will be uploaded in the webpage as soon as they are provided by the three universities.