Upcoming Event: The 2nd National Conference on the Financial Management of Public Higher Education Institutions of Kosova


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 to Thursday, November 10, 2016

2nd National Conference on the Financial Management of Public Higher Education Institutions of Kosova:“The way towards the financial independence of the public higher education institutions in Kosova”
Target group:

  1. Policy perspective:Public HEIs of Kosova - Project Consortium, Ministry of Finance; Representation from the Parliament (HE Committee), Representatives of the Kosova Students’ Union, Chamber of Commerce of Kosova; Representation from Municipal level
  2. NGOs and similar organizations perspective: American Chamber of Commerce; Association of Business of Kosova; German Chamber of Commerce; GIZ; SIDA; UNDP
  3. International perspective: World Bank; International Monetary Fund; USAID; Embassies (Norwegian, France, Austria, UK, Benelux countries, Nordic, Germany, Hungary, U.S. Embassy);
  4. EU-perspective: Project coordinator from other TEMPUS/ERASMUS+ projects; Representatives of the European Commission Liasion Office to Kosovo; National ERASMUS+ Office;
  5. Regional perspective: Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro (Ministries of Education and universities)